Sunday, August 4, 2013

Simply Elegant August Enews

Congratulations to Deirdre Watson.  Deirdre was the lucky winner of our Byron Bay Beach Escape.  The 4 runner up prizes of a microdermabrasion & skin pack went to Sue Woods, Dot Carter, Cate Baines& Christine Woods.  Congratulations ladies; we look forward to seeing you all soon.

With the last month of winter upon us it is time to get ready for the warmer months ahead.  IPL permanent hair reduction is one of our most popular treatments this time of year.  If you have never experienced Intense Pulse Light (IPL) then this is a fabulous way of removing unwanted hair quickly and easily. Start now and you can be hair free and ready for the summer months ahead.

Get more beauty secrets and special offers by reading our August Enews